The existing social organization of care is clearly unequal. Globally, women spend three times as much time on care and domestic work as men.
To reverse this inequality, we must:
Diverse actors constitute a movement with a common and inclusive agenda, which represents the human rights of caregivers and receivers.
This movement is an articulation between civil society organizations, trade unions and union associations, academia and local , regional and national governments committed to gender equality.
As the primary duty-bearers, governments -national and local-, guarantee the provision of quality, affordable, and accessible care and decent working conditions for care workers.
They also develop and implement relevant policies and legislation, increase investment in care services, and ensure decent care work through social dialogue and civic participation.
Care is recognized as a human right at the international level. The care agenda is included in multilateral spaces, and care policies are promoted and supported by intergovernmental organizations, international development cooperation and philanthropy.
The private sector, a co-responsible actor within the social organization of care, adopts care policies and programs in the workplace.
It also guarantees decent wages and working conditions, and encourages collective bargaining with care workers.
Care is recognized as work and valued as a fundamental public good for societies. All sectors of society and adult individuals share responsibility for care.
Gender stereotypes and social beliefs and practices around women’s “natural” responsibility for care are eliminated.
The Global Alliance for Care is recognized globally as the first multi-stakeholder community to advocate for a care society with human rights and intersectional perspectives.
The care society is established as a new transformative paradigm to promote sustainable development, gender justice, women's autonomy, and the well-being of all persons.
Our societies put the care of people and the planet at the center.