Launch event:Open Guide for the Care Sector. Presentation of the Buenos Aires and Mexico City Care Indicator Systems

Launch event:Open Guide for the Care Sector. Presentation of the Buenos Aires and Mexico City Care Indicator Systems

ODC, the Secretariat of Women of Mexico City, and the Directorate of Statistics and Census of the City of Buenos Aires will present to the Global Alliance for Care their Indicator Systems and the Open Data Guide on Care, developed by ODC with the support of the IDRC.

The event aims to launch the Open Up Guide for the Care Sector and present the Care Indicator Systems of Buenos Aires and Mexico City to the Global Alliance for Care membership to promote horizontal learning on generating care data.

The launch will be virtual:

Language: Spanish, with English interpretation.


November 13, 2023

Lanzamiento: Guía de Apertura de Datos para los Cuidados y Presentación de los Sistemas de Indicadores de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y la Ciudad de  México

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