Learning Community: Realities and Challenges on Financing Policy and Care Systems in the Global South.

Learning Community: Realities and Challenges on Financing Policy and Care Systems in the Global South.

This Learning Community seeks to explore strategies, challenges, and opportunities, as well as to present good practices on financing and tax collection to advance in this new social organization of care. There will be six sessions, with a virtual and monthly modality.

The Learning Community "Realities and Challenges on Financing Policy and Care Systems in the Global South" is organized by Oxfam Latin America and the Caribbean, Global Alliance for Care and UN Women, with the coordination of Feminist Economy Table and Latindadd.

Objectives: explore strategies, challenges and opportunities, as well as to present good practices on financing and tax collection to advance in this new social organization of care.

Audience: Civil service, organizations and institutions interested in financing, taxation and gender at international, regional, national and local levels.

For more information, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Registration: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcrc-qqqT8pH9wr4dfAuAnia35ff_tJ4Uq2


February 13, 2024

Comunidad de aprendizaje: realidades y retos sobre el financiamiento de políticas y sistemas de cuidados  en el Sur GlobalComunidad de aprendizaje: realidades y retos sobre el financiamiento de políticas y sistemas de cuidados  en el Sur Global

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