Bridging Gaps, Building Futures: Exploring the Intersection of Care Work, Poverty Elimination, Social Protection, and Gender Equality

Bridging Gaps, Building Futures: Exploring the Intersection of Care Work, Poverty Elimination, Social Protection, and Gender Equality

This side event will provide an opportunity to bring together diverse perspectives to contribute to the understanding of the central role of care work in the elimination of poverty and how a more just redistribution of care responsibilities and robust policies.

When: March 21st 2024, from 4:45 PM to 6:00 p.m EST

Where: Conference Room 6, United Nations Headquarters 

Modality: In-person (with live streaming through UN Web TV and Facebook) - Spanish-English-Spanish interpretation available

To attend in person, please register here

This side event will provide an opportunity to bring together diverse perspectives to contribute to the understanding of the central role of care work in the elimination of poverty and how a more just redistribution of care responsibilities and robust policies, including social protection, contribute to the well-being of care workers, thus advancing a more equitable and sustainable economic system.

Organized by: Global Alliance for Care, the Governments of Spain, Chile, and Mexico, and UN Women 

March 07, 2024

Cerrando brechas, construyendo futuros: Explorando la intersección entre el trabajo de cuidados, la eliminación de la pobreza, la protección social y la igualdad de género

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