Mothers, unpaid care work and global crises: connecting the dots!

Mothers, unpaid care work and global crises: connecting the dots!

This event will address the link between unpaid care work and women’s vulnerability to poverty, in particular when they are mothers. It will also bring together experts from different backgrounds to shed light on these links and the role of women as “shock absorbers” during crises.

The webinar will bring together experts from different backgrounds to shed light on these links and the role of women as “shock absorbers” during crises. It will discuss how policies and practices in recognizing, redistributing, and supporting care work can enhance women’s resilience and examine how taking a ‘care lens’ when responding to crises could help redress or at least mitigate their impacts on women.

It will also examine the broader picture and how transforming to caring societies embedded in an economic system that prioritizes wellbeing and human rights could contribute to advancing gender equality and mitigate or even prevent crises.


Wednesday, 11 July, from 9:30-11:00 am New York / 3:30-5:00 pm Paris

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July 08, 2024

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