UN High Commissioner for Human Rights recommends good care practices for persons with disabilities
The report examines good practices of support systems enabling community inclusion of persons with disabilities.
It also provides examples of good practices for gender-responsive and disability-inclusive support and care systems.
The Global Alliance for Care welcomes the publication of the Annual report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and reports of the Office of the High Commissioner and the Secretary-General (A/HRC/55/34) titled “Good practices of support systems enabling community inclusion of persons with disabilities”.
The report examines good practices of support systems enabling community inclusion of persons with disabilities.It also provides examples of good practices for gender-responsive and disability-inclusive support and care systems. It identifies key policy areas enabling persons with disabilities to live independently in their communities.
To read the full report, please click on this link: https://globalallianceforcare.org/en/community/resources/842-global-resource-354.html?view-obj