
Assessing the gendered employment impacts of COVID-19 and supporting a gender-responsive recovery

Assessing the gendered employment impacts of COVID-19 and supporting a gender-responsive recovery
UN Women – ILO Joint Programme Promoting Decent Employment for Women through Inclusive Growth Policies and Investments in Care
International Labour Organization and UN Women

Key Points:

- UN Women - ILO Policy Tool 1 How to Assess Fiscal Stimulus Packages from a Gender Equality Perspective.
- Policy Tool March 2021 How to Assess Fiscal Stimulus Packages from a Gender Equality Perspective.
- The policy support tool aims at embedding gender equality concerns in national fiscal stimulus packages as well as in the design of national policy responses.
- First, it identifies the transmission channels by which gender is salient in contributing to inequality and material deprivation, based on COVID-19 specific
gendered effects.
- Second, it discusses the adequacy of the size of fiscal packages relative to the size of the problem they are meant to solve.
- Third, fiscal stabilization and stimulus packages are assessed from a gender equality perspective, identifying areas that macro-level policies can
effectively target to address gendered impacts of the crisis, with guidance on indicators that can be used in policy assessments.
- Fourth, monetary policy is similarly assessed from a gender equality perspective.
- Fifth, the tool considers the role of gender budgeting in the development and evaluation of fiscal and monetary stimulus packages.

  • Health care
  • Research and diagnostics
  • Policy and legal frameworks
  • Monitoring and evaluation
  • Women
  • International and regional regulations
  • International organizations
  • Social security and protection
  • Unpaid care work
  • Paid care work
ONU Mujeres / UN Women,Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) / International Labour Organization (ILO)
ONU Mujeres / UN Women,Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) / International Labour Organization (ILO)

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