
Strengthening Care Policies and Intersectional Movements for Care Justice: A Synopsis of the Women Deliver 2023 Pre-Conference on the Care Economy

Strengthening Care Policies and Intersectional Movements for Care Justice: A Synopsis of the Women Deliver 2023 Pre-Conference on the Care Economy
Women Deliver

In recent years, ongoing conflicts and crises coupled with demographic changes have spurred the urgent need for policy action and financing to support a resilient and gender-transformative care economy.

With rising childcare, eldercare, and/or disability care needs, the demand for care workers has increased in much of the world; yet, care worker shortages and decent work deficits are persistent. There is a critical need for evidence-based, robust, and inclusive care policies that increase access to affordable and quality care services, establish the value of and change norms regarding care work, put the voices of care recipients and workers at the center of decision-making, and incentivize greater investment in the care economy.

An effective care ecosystem requires meaningful collaboration between governments, the private sector, civil society, care workers, and individual households. To support this collaboration and to build on the momentum of the 2022 Bali Care Economy Dialogue, the Women Deliver Pre-Conference on the Care Economy was convened to bring together these stakeholders for an action-oriented dialogue. By focusing on policy that influences different dimensions of care, the Pre-Conference aimed to generate recommendations that will build a sustainable, gender-transformative, and resilient care economy for all.

  • Global Alliance for Care
  • Right to care
  • Care economy
  • National governments
  • Research and diagnostics
  • Policy and legal frameworks
  • Civil society organizations
  • International organizations
  • Private sector
  • Social security and protection
  • Comprehensive care systems
  • Care society
  • Unpaid care work
  • Paid care work
Women Deliver / Women Deliver
Women Deliver / Women Deliver

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