Cuidados y ecofeminismo. Consolidar avances y construir futuros igualitarios en Latinoamérica
Cuidados y ecofeminismo. Consolidar avances y construir futuros igualitarios en Latinoamérica
Pilar Cancela, Lilián Celiberti, Francisco Cos Montiel, Marta C. Ferreyra, Joy H. González-Güeto, Cecilia Güemes, Alicia H. Puleo, Ailynn Torres y Fabio Vélez
Cecilia Güemes y Francisco Cos-Montiel
ISBN: 978-84-09-48272-6
• In 2021 the Carolina Foundation and UNRISD launched a polyphonic project focused on reflecting, in a situated and critical way, on some of the most pressing challenges of Latin American in relation to gender justice. After the Covid-19 pandemic, several questions have guided the research: how to promote women's economic autonomy in a context of eco-social crisis, and how to recognize and redistribute the care historically assumed and provided by women?