Engaging with the care economy
Engaging with the care economy
Gender Smart, 2X Collaborative in support of IDRC, Generation Foundation, Open Society Foundation, Swiss Agency and Kore Global
This brief builds on Brief 1 that sets the scene of what the care economy covers, thetypes of business models and challenges to overcome. This adjacent primer is targeted forinvestors, in both private and public markets, employers and corporate actors who seek toengage in the care economy. It provides research, learning and best practice examples forexploring pathways to get involved. It answers the following questions: Why invest? Whatis holding investment back? What are investment pathways for investors and employers?And, how to get started? This brief does not prescribe ready-made solutions, but rather isintended to provoke thinking and provide a step-by-step to inspire next steps
- Care economyWomenChildren and adolescentsInternational organizationsBudgeting and financingUnpaid care workDomestic workLink