
Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care

Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care
Government of Canada
ISBN: 978-0-660-26607-7

The Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care Framework represents the Government of Canadaand Indigenous peoples’ work to co-develop a transformative Indigenous framework that reflectsthe unique cultures, aspirations and needs of First Nations, Inuit and Métis children across Canada.The Framework sets out a shared vision, principles and a path forward for Indigenous early learningand child care—a Canada where all Indigenous children have the opportunity to experiencehigh-quality, culturally rooted early learning and child care programming.Alongside a distinctions-based approach that respects the specific priorities of First Nations, Inuitand the Métis Nation, the Framework describes an overarching vision for a comprehensive andcoordinated early learning and child care system led by Indigenous peoples, establishes sharedprinciples, and includes specific gender and geographic considerations that represent the views ofall Indigenous children and families.The Framework provides a commitment to collaborate, through real partnerships with Indigenouspeoples, enabling Indigenous-led early learning and child care programming for their children andfamilies. It points a way to a present and future where Indigenous peoples determine the programs andservices their children need and where all Indigenous children grow up in an enriching environmentthat helps them meet their full potential.This is the foundational, shared framework for what is a truly transformative path forward focusedon fostering a network of supports for the unique aspirations and needs of Indigenous communities,families and their children.The Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care Framework is, and will continueto be, a shared journey towards transformation—in the spirit of partnership, respect and reconciliation.

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  • Care in parenting
  • National governments
  • Research and diagnostics
  • Policy and legal frameworks
  • Children and adolescents
Gobierno de Canadá / Government of Canada
Gobierno de Canadá / Government of Canada

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