PACT FOR THE FUTURE OF HUMANITY - The Daejeon Political Declaration
Our Pact is universal and seeks to deliver equal opportunity, fairness andjustice for everyone and for every place. We will seek to replace the questfor individual advancement on the back of fellow citizens with the ethosof public service through reciprocal caring and sharing. The pandemichas demonstrated the importance of resizing contemporary life, and hasproven how border-centred approaches to human mobility have repeatedlyproved both ineffective and unfair. Free citizens will be the main engine ofthe social, political and economic changes that are essential in realisingthis Pact – therefore we will continue to stress the importance of a well-informed and empowered citizenship. The bedrock of this citizenship isensuring that all citizens are empowered to achieve their potential, deliveredthrough universal access to education, culture, and policies informed by anew feminism driven by people. The global feminist municipal movementwill be central to ensuring that women and girls are not left behind and forfostering a new way of going about politics. Environments that are healthy,accessible, and institutions that serve all impartially will restore trust andboost hope, solidarity and optimism, liberating our collective imaginations,and instilling a new sense of what is possible at home and for the world.Human development and emancipation, the enrichment of everyone'ssocial capital, are our pole stars in leading the age of transition we are intowards a just and sustainable tomorrow
- East and Southeast AsiaNational governmentsSub-national and local governmentsPolicy and legal frameworksUrban planningLink