
CSW68 Side Event "The Care Economy in Africa: Existing Challenges and Opportunities" in pictures.

CSW68 Side Event "The Care Economy in Africa: Existing Challenges and Opportunities" in pictures.
  • Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Global Alliance for Care
  • Care economy
  • Sub-national and local governments
  • Civil society organizations
  • International organizations
CSW68 Side Event "The Care Economy in Africa: Existing Challenges and Opportunities" in pictures.CSW68 Side Event "The Care Economy in Africa: Existing Challenges and Opportunities" in pictures.CSW68 Side Event "The Care Economy in Africa: Existing Challenges and Opportunities" in pictures.CSW68 Side Event "The Care Economy in Africa: Existing Challenges and Opportunities" in pictures.CSW68 Side Event "The Care Economy in Africa: Existing Challenges and Opportunities" in pictures.CSW68 Side Event "The Care Economy in Africa: Existing Challenges and Opportunities" in pictures.CSW68 Side Event "The Care Economy in Africa: Existing Challenges and Opportunities" in pictures.CSW68 Side Event "The Care Economy in Africa: Existing Challenges and Opportunities" in pictures.CSW68 Side Event "The Care Economy in Africa: Existing Challenges and Opportunities" in pictures.CSW68 Side Event "The Care Economy in Africa: Existing Challenges and Opportunities" in pictures.CSW68 Side Event "The Care Economy in Africa: Existing Challenges and Opportunities" in pictures.CSW68 Side Event "The Care Economy in Africa: Existing Challenges and Opportunities" in pictures.
Alianza Global por los Cuidados / Global Alliance for Care,Instituto de Investigación de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo Social (UNRISD) / United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD),ONU Mujeres / UN Women
Alianza Global por los Cuidados / Global Alliance for Care,Instituto de Investigación de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo Social (UNRISD) / United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD),ONU Mujeres / UN Women

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