Care and Education – Cornerstones of sustainable and just economies
On 16 July 2020, MMM organized a webinar on ‘Care and education – Cornerstones of just and sustainable economies’ to discuss the economics of care and education. This HLPF side-event aimed at contributing to the current discussions on ‘building back better’ by spotlighting the failings of our current economic system in recognising the essential role of Care, especially unpaid care work.
Speakers included- Nancy Folbre, Feminist Economist, University of Massachusets Amherst - Rima Salah, Chair, Early Childhood Peace Consortium- Valentina Urreiztieta, Psychologist, Empreintes Humaines- Rutger Hoekstra, Founder, Susan Himmelweit, Feminist Economist and Emeritus Professor, Open University (UK) and coordinator of the Policy Advisory Group of the Women’s Budget Group- Amanda Janoo, Knowledge & Policy Lead, Wellbeing Economy AllianceThe website article includes the recording of the events and a report with key takeaways.
- GlobalNational governments