
Mothers, unpaid care work and global crises – connecting the dots

Mothers, unpaid care work and global crises – connecting the dots
HLPF event series

The link between unpaid care work and women’s vulnerability to poverty, in particular when they are mothers, is well established. The disproportionate impacts that most crises have on women and girls is also increasingly recognised. Climate change; armed conflicts and resulting migration; the debt crisis and austerity measures, rising inequalities: all tend to increase women's unpaid domestic and care work, thereby exacerbating gender inequalities. 

Speakers included: - Shahnaz Pakravan, Communications Manager, Make Mothers Matter - Adriana Quiñones, Head of Human Rights and Development and Deputy Head of UN Women Geneva Office- Yusra Qadir, Chief Programs and Advocacy Officer, Mothers Matter Canada (MMC)- Lorena Aguilar, Executive Director, Kaschak Institute for Social Justice for Women and Girls, Binghamton University New York – author of UN Women’s Working Paper ‘The climate care nexus’- Iolanda Fresnillo, Policy and Advocacy Manager – Debt Justice, Eurodad- Celine Charveriat, Founder and CEO, Pro(to)topia, a member for the Forum for caring societies - Olivier de Schutter, UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights, author of the 2024 book ‘Poverty of Growth’ The website article includes the recording of the events and a report with key takeaways

  • Global
  • National governments
  • Policy and legal frameworks
  • Women
  • Care society
  • Unpaid care work
Hagamos que las madres importen (Make Mothers Matter) / Make Mothers Matter
Hagamos que las madres importen (Make Mothers Matter) / Make Mothers Matter

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