The Care Economy in the Multilateral System: Uniting Stakeholders for Global Impact

The Care Economy in the Multilateral System: Uniting Stakeholders for Global Impact

This event will discuss concrete steps to maximize the presence of the care agenda in multilateral platforms highlighting the voices, needs and perspectives from the Global South.

When: March 20th, 2023, from 10:00 to 11:15 PM (EST)

Where: Conference Room 12, United Nations Headquarters

Modality: In-person (with live streaming through UN Web TV and Facebook) - Spanish-English-Spanish interpretation available.

To attend in person, please register here. If you require an event pass, please complete the form by Friday, March 15, 2024. 

Accelerating the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls, as proposed by this year’s CSW theme, requires the mobilization of resources towards gender-transformative, comprehensive care systems. Multilateral fora, such as the G20, G7, and UN annual events and processes meetings, offer a key opportunity to translate countries’ commitments into action. This event will discuss concrete steps to maximize the presence of the care agenda in multilateral platforms highlighting the voices, needs and perspectives from the Global South.

Organized by: Government of Canada, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, International Development Research Center, Global Alliance for Care, CIPPEC, Southern Voice, and United Nations Foundation

March 08, 2024

La economía de los cuidados en el sistema multilateral: Uniendo a los actores para lograr un impacto global

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