CSW69/Beijing+30: events supported and co-led by the Global Alliance for Care
The Global Alliance for Care is leading and supporting a series of events in the framework of the 69th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW69).
Flagship Global Alliance for Care event
The Care Agenda 30 Years After the Fourth World Conference on Women: A Reflection on Achievements and the Way Forward
- When: March 21st
- Time: 1:15 – 2:30 p.m.
- Modality: In-person
- Where: Conference Room A at the Headquarters of the United Nations
- Organized by: Government of Chile, Government of Germany, Government of Spain, Government of the Philippines, UN Women and the Global Alliance for Care.
The events supported by the Global Alliance for Care are:
New rights for the 21st Century: care and time
- When: March 11th
- Time: 10:30 a.m. (EST)
- Modality: Spanish-English-Spanish interpretation available.
- Organized by: Time Use Initiative with the support of the Global Alliance for Care
- Register here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/qY0YLZWcSpeFk-eNOGn5fA#/registration
Transforming Care Systems for a Changing World: A South-South Dialogue
- When: March 13th Time: 10:00 – 11:15 a.m. (EST)
- Modality: In-person
- Where: CR-A, United Nations Headquarters, New York
- Organized by: Kingdom of Cambodia, Government of Mexico, UNESCAP, ECLAC, ESCWA, with the support of the Global Alliance for Care.
Financing care and beyond: A pillar for advancing towards depatriarchalization as a horizon for development
- When: March 13th
- Time: 1:15-2:30 p.m. (EST)
- Modality: In-person
- Where: Permanent Mission of Mexico to the United Nations. 2 United Nations Plaza, 28th Floor, New York
- To attend in person, please register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSenpesOohDdzbKfVDfyruWw3sKcMNCCAiFtxh4VQz9xcpBzNg/viewform
Care economy and decent work: Strategies for labor and gender justice
- When: March 14th
- Time: 8:00 – 9:45 a.m. (EST)
- Modality: In-person
- Where: Permanent Mission of Mexico to the United Nations. 2 United Nations Plaza, 28th Floor, New York
- Organized by: ILSB, IDWF, ILO with the support of the Global Alliance for Care.
- To attend in person, please register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeT7kVUV2mf8m30v6hjcVmzByxrjRfKsZEt7wqHuj3yHu3rJg/viewform
Accelerating progress on the BPfA on women and the environment through a care-centered just transition
- When: March 17th
- Time: 3:00 - 4:15 p.m. (EST)
- Modality: Face-to-face
- Where: Conference Room 12 at the United Nations Headquarters
- Organized by: IDRC, UNRISD, Oxfam Canada, AVINA, with the support of the Global Alliance for Care.
- More information: https://forms.gle/wRddfZAS4JwLMi2m7
Addressing structural barriers for progress on the BPfA: Financing Care systems as a development strategy
- When: March 19th
- Time: 4:45 – 6:00 p.m
- Modality: In-person
- Where: Conference Room 12 at the Headquarters of the United Nations
- Organized by: Canada's International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Wellspring Philanthropic Fund, Gender and Trade Network, Oxfam, UNRISD, with the support of the Global Alliance for Care.