Inclusion of persons with disabilities in comprehensive care systems with a gender perspective: good practices and challenges in the EU and LAC.

Inclusion of persons with disabilities in comprehensive care systems with a gender perspective: good practices and challenges in the EU and LAC.

"People with disabilities in comprehensive care systems with a gender perspective: good practices and challenges in the EU and LAC" is the second dialogue organised by the EU-LAC Foundation, INMUJERES, UN Women, ECLAC and the Global Alliance for Care, to advance towards comprehensive care systems.

February 28, 2022

Personas con discapacidad en sistemas integrales de cuidados con perspectiva de género: buenas prácticas y desafíos en la UE y ALCPersonas con discapacidad en sistemas integrales de cuidados con perspectiva de género: buenas prácticas y desafíos en la UE y ALC

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