Care as a Human Right and its Intersection with Public Finance and Fiscal Justice

Care as a Human Right and its Intersection with Public Finance and Fiscal Justice

The event, to be held on the frame of CSW68, will be a space to discuss diverse financing models and possibilities, providing useful examples for effective, equitable, and sustainable financing of care policies. It will be available online, with interpretation.

When: March 14th, 2024, from 1:30 to  3:00 p.m.

Where: Facebook live @GlobalAllianceForCare

Organizers: Government of Mexico (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, National Institute of Women), Oxfam (Mexico, Canada, and Latin America and the Caribbean), Global Alliance for Care, and UN Women.

The event will provide a general explanation of the concept of care as a human right and its supporting arguments and will explore the intersection of the right to care, fiscal justice, and feminist economics.

It will also be a space to discuss diverse financing models and possibilities, providing useful examples for effective, equitable and sustainable financing of care policies.

February 26, 2024

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