El trabajo de cuidados no remunerado y el mercado laboral. Un análisis de los datos sobre el uso del tiempo basado en la última Recopilación mundial de encuestas sobre el empleo del tiempo
The Unpaid Care Work and the Labour Market. An analysis of time use data based on the latest World Compilation of Time-use Surveys
Jacques Charmes
ISBN: 978-92-2-133517-7
In the coming years, the need for care work is likely to increase due to demographic, socioeconomic and environmental transformations. Across the world, unpaid carers, especially women, meet the large majority of care needs. For an analysis of unpaid care work, time use data are one of the most important data sources to look at, especially considering the important gender dimension of its work. How much time do people spend on doing paid and unpaid care work? How do women and men spend their time differently on unpaid care work? Are there any differences in time use among the regions? How do socioeconomic factors influence people’s choices to do paid and unpaid care work?
- Cuidados en la educaciónEconomía del cuidadoGlobalHombres y masculinidadesInvestigación y diagnósticosLas 5Rs de los cuidados