Strengthening Women Worker Voice in the Workplace and Beyond as Core to Poverty Reduction and Gender Equality
The side event, to be held in the framework of CSW68, is coordinated by the Department of Labor, Department of State, and USAID, in coordination with the White House Gender Policy Council. You are invited to join it in person or virtually.
When: Wednesday, March 13th, from 1-3 pm EST
Where: United States Mission to the United Nations (USUN), 799 United Nations Plaza, New York
Registration: Complete the registration form by Thursday, March 7, to confirm your attendance.
More information: Women’s collective worker voice and leadership are vital to reducing and alleviating poverty and advancing economic security through access to quality employment, investments in social protections, and representation in broader economic and social policy. This event builds on the Biden-Harris Administration’s efforts to advance women’s economic security, empower workers, and strengthen the role of unions as critical foundations for prosperous economies and democracies.