This event, to be held in the framework of CSW68, it's organized by Public Services International (PSI) with DAWN, ActionAid, OXFAM, CESR, GI-ESCR, GATJ, TJN, Womankind, FEMNET, IDWF, and ESCR-Net. It is an in-person event.
The side event, to be held in the framework of CSW68, is coordinated by the Department of Labor, Department of State, and USAID, in coordination with the White House Gender Policy Council. You are invited to join it in person or virtually.
This CSW68 side event serves as a platform for dialogue, collaboration, and action, in line with the CSW mission to advance the status of women and girls, in all their diversity, worldwide through these discussions.
The event will be held at CSW68. It is organized by Habitat International Coalition (HIC), Women and Habitat Latin America Network, Huairou Commission, and United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG).
This is an in-person event to be held in the framework of CSW68. It is co-organized by the Permanent Mission of Mauritania in New York, the Region of Nouakchott, and United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG).
The in-person event will be held at CSW68. It is organized by United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG).
El evento, organizado por NGO CSW LAC y ATRAHDOM, tendrá lugar en el marco de la CSW68.
El evento, a realizarse en el marco de la CSW68, se propone analizar el “círculo vicioso” que se genera entre la sobrecarga de tareas de cuidado, la violencia económica y el impacto en la falta de autonomía económica; y cómo que esto afecta sus posibilidades de participar en diferentes espacios.