El evento se realizará en el marco de la CSW68. Es organizado por la Federación de Trabajadoras del Hogar (FITH). Estará liderado por trabajadoras del hogar quienes se referirán a la importancia de incorporar las 5R del cuidado que propone la OIT. Es presencial.
The in-person event will be held in the framework of CSW68. It is co-sponsored by Oxfam in Africa and Oxfam International.
The event, to be held in the framework of CSW68, is co-sponsored by WILDAF AO, Oxfam Senegal/ Sahel, and Oxfam France. It is an in-person event.
The event, co-sponsored by the Government of Kenya, IGAD, and Oxfam International, will be held in the framework of CSW68.
The event, in the framework of CSW68, is organized by BMFSFJ/Germany, and the National Council of German Women’s. It will discuss the risks, causes, and consequences of single-parent poverty, with a focus on lone mothers, highlighting best practices and promising policies to prevent poverty.
The event, held in the framework of CSW68, is organized by the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and co-sponsored by Global Unions.
The event, in the framework of CSW68, is organized by the National Commission for Lebanese Women, UN Women, in cooperation with Egypt, Germany, Jordan, Morocco, the Sultanate of Oman, Spain, and Sweden.