This side event is dedicated to a comprehensive exploration of the intricate connections between care work, intersectionality, and the climate crisis, particularly as they disproportionally affect indigenous, afro-descendent, migrant, and rural women.
This side event will provide an opportunity to bring together diverse perspectives to contribute to the understanding of the central role of care work in the elimination of poverty and how a more just redistribution of care responsibilities and robust policies.
The Global Alliance for Care and many of its members have organized several events in the frame of the CSW68, which will take place from 11 - 22 March, in New York City. The events we share here are all of them related to care, and have been organized or co-organized by the Alliance's members.
The report examines good practices of support systems enabling community inclusion of persons with disabilities.
It also provides examples of good practices for gender-responsive and disability-inclusive support and care systems.
The Global Alliance for Care welcomes the resolution “Promoting care and support systems for social development” (document E/CN.5/2024/L.5) adopted by the Commission for Social Development of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
The event, to be held on the frame of CSW68, will be a space to discuss diverse financing models and possibilities, providing useful examples for effective, equitable, and sustainable financing of care policies. It will be available online, with interpretation.
This Learning Community seeks to explore strategies, challenges, and opportunities, as well as to present good practices on financing and tax collection to advance in this new social organization of care. There will be six sessions, with a virtual and monthly modality.
"Gender Just Climate Transitions. Global Perspectives on the Implications for Land Rights and the Care Economy" is a side event in the framework of COP28. It is co-hosted by the Action Coalition on Feminist Action for Climate Justice (FACJ) and the UNRISD.
ODC, the Secretariat of Women of Mexico City, and the Directorate of Statistics and Census of the City of Buenos Aires will present to the Global Alliance for Care their Indicator Systems and the Open Data Guide on Care, developed by ODC with the support of the IDRC.